The 3rd meeting of the Galician Network in Emergent
Technologies in Information and Communications
(RedTEIC) will take place in Centro Social
Afundación, downtown Vigo, on July 5th 2017. 


RedTEIC is a research network composed of four research groups (GTEC, GTI, GII and GPSC) from Universities of Vigo and Coruña. The meeting will present the latest research advances of the groups and will feature four plenary talks and a poster session. About 30 attendants are expected. 

Preliminary Program:

9:45-10:00 Welcome and Introduction.


10:00-10:45 Felipe Gil Castiñeira (GTI): 5G network core: Introduction & enabling technologies


10:45-11:30 Roberto Maneiro-Catoira, Julio Brégains, José Antonio García-Naya, Luis Castedo (GTEC): Enhanced Time-modulated arrays for harmonic beamforming


11:30-13:00 Coffee break  + Poster session


  • Milagos Fernández Gavilanes (GTI): "GTI advances in natural language programming"

  • Carlos Pérez Garrido (GTI): "SDN and virtualization in 5G mobile networks"

  • Tomás Ramírez, Roberto López-Valcarce, Carlos Mosquera (GPSC), "Joint beamforming and precoding  for non-Cooperative Earth Stations"

  • Anxo Tato, Carlos Mosquera (GPSC), "Exploitation of Double Polarization for Mobile Adaptive Links"

  • Nuria González-Prelcic and Robert W. Heath Jr. (GPSC), “Millimeter Wave communication with out-of-band information”

  • Javier Rodríguez-Fernández, Nuria González-Prelcic and R. W. Heath Jr. (GPSC) “Exploiting common sparsity for frequency-domain estimation of mmWave frequency-selective channels”

  • O. Fresnedo, P. Suárez-Casal, L. Castedo y J.García-Frías (GTEC), “Hybrid Digital-Analog Joint Source Channel Coding for Broadcast Multiresolution Communications.”

  • José J. Lamas-Seco, Francisco J. Vazquez-Araujo, Paula M. Castro, Adriana Dapena (GTEC), “Multi-Loop  Inductive  Sensor  Model  for  Vehicle  Traffic Application”

  • Simón Oya, Carmela Troncoso, Fernando Pérez-González (GPSC), “Location Privacy: Metrics and Mechanism Design”


13:00-13:45 Carlos Mosquera (GPSC): “Two-level precoding  for non-cooperative Earth stations”

13:45-14:30 Richard Duro, Abraham Prieto, Blanca Priego (GII):  “Current results in robotic cognition and multidimensional signal processing”

Expires on: 
Domingo, 10 Septiembre, 2017