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Filtros: Autor es Gomez-Cuba, Felipe  [Elimina todos los filtros]
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F. Gomez-Cuba, Zugno, T., Kim, J., Polese, M., Bahk, S., y Zorzi, M., «Full-stack Hybrid Beamforming in mmWave 5G Networks», in 2021 19th Mediterranean Communication and Computer Networking Conference (MedComNet), 2021, pp. 1–7.
A. Paz-Pérez, Tato, A., J. Escudero-Garzás, J., y Gomez-Cuba, F., «Flexible Reinforcement Learning Scheduler for 5G Networks», in 2024 IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning for Communication and Networking (ICMLCN), 2024, pp. 566-572.Icono PDF a105-paz-perez_final.pdf (514.6 KB)