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B. TauSiesakul y González-Prelcic, N., «Power Spectrum Blind Sampling Using Minimum Mean Square Error and Weighted Least Squares», in Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2013.Icono PDF td_wls_mmse.pdf (294.2 KB)
B. TauSiesakul y González-Prelcic, N., «Power spectrum blind sampling using optimal multicoset sampling patterns in the MSE sense», in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2014.
N. - H. Tien, Romero, D., y López-Valcarce, R., «Radio Maps for Beam Alignment in mmWave Communications with Location Uncertainty», in IEEE 99th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2024-Spring. Workshop "Radio Map for 6G Communications", Singapore, 2024.
B. Tondi, Comesaña, P., Pérez-González, F., y Barni, M., «Smart Detection of Line-Search Oracle Attacks», IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 12, n.º 3, pp. 588-603, 2017.Icono PDF TIFS_smartOracle.pdf (3.73 MB)
J. R. Troncoso-Pastoriza, González-Jiménez, D., y Pérez-González, F., «A new model for Gabor Coefficients' Magnitude in Face Recognition», in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Dallas, USA, 2010.
J. R. Troncoso-Pastoriza y Pérez-González, F., «Secure Adaptive Filtering», IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 6, pp. 469 -485, 2011.Icono PDF TPPGTIFS11-Secure_Adaptive_Filtering.pdf (396.27 KB)
J. R. Troncoso-Pastoriza y Pérez-González, F., «Zero-Knowledge watermark detector robust to sensitivity attacks», in ACM Workshop on Multimedia and Security (MMSEC), Geneva, Switzerland, 2006, pp. 97-107.
J. R. Troncoso-Pastoriza, «Encrypted Domain Processing for Signal Processing Applications», University of Vigo, Vigo, 2012.Icono PDF jr_troncoso_thesis.pdf (4.44 MB)
J. R. Troncoso-Pastoriza y Pérez-González, F., «Secure and Private Medical Clouds using Encrypted Processing», in Virtual Physiological Human (VPH), Brussels, Belgium, 2010.
J. R. Troncoso-Pastoriza, González-Jiménez, D., y Pérez-González, F., «Fully Private Noninteractive Face Verification», IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 8, n.º 7, pp. 1101-1114, 2013.Icono PDF TPFJPGTIFS11-FullyPrivateFaceVerif.pdf (745.76 KB)
J. R. Troncoso-Pastoriza, Katzenbeisser, S., y Celik, M., «Privacy Preserving Error Resilient DNA Searching through Oblivious Automata», in ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), Alexandria, Virginia, USA, 2007, pp. 519–528.
J. R. Troncoso-Pastoriza y Pérez-González, F., «Skewed Log-Stable model for natural images pixel block-variance», in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Cairo, Egypt, 2009.
J. R. Troncoso-Pastoriza y Caputo, S., «Bootstrap-based Proxy Reencryption for Private Multi-user Computing», in IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), Atlanta, GA, 2014.Icono PDF TroncosoCaputo-BootstrappingMultiKey.pdf (795.89 KB)
J. R. Troncoso-Pastoriza, Pedrouzo-Ulloa, A., y Pérez-González, F., «Secure Genomic Susceptibility Testing based on Lattice Encryption», in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, USA, 2017.Icono PDF TPP17_ICASSP17.pdf (403.53 KB)
J. R. Troncoso-Pastoriza y Pérez-González, F., «CryptoDSPs for Cloud Privacy», in International Workshop on Cloud Information System Engineering (CISE), Hong Kong, China, 2010, vol. 6724.
J. R. Troncoso-Pastoriza y Pérez-González, F., «Efficient Zero-Knowledge Watermark Detection with Improved Robustness to Sensitivity Attacks», EURASIP Journal on Information Security, 2007.
J. R. Troncoso-Pastoriza, Comesaña, P., Pérez-Freire, L., y Pérez-González, F., «Videosurveillance and privacy: covering the two sides of the mirror with DRM», in ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management (DRM), Chicago, IL, USA, 2009.Icono PDF drm18-troncoso.pdf (417.17 KB)
J. R. Troncoso-Pastoriza y Pérez-González, F., «Secure Signal Processing in the Cloud: enabling technologies for privacy-preserving multimedia cloud processing», IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 30, n.º 2, pp. 29-41, 2013.Icono PDF cloudspm2013.pdf (965.61 KB)
J. R. Troncoso-Pastoriza, Katzenbeisser, S., Celik, M., y Lemma, A., «A Secure Multidimensional Point Inclusion Protocol», in ACM Workshop on Multimedia and Security (MMSEC), Dallas, Texas, USA, 2007, pp. 109–120.
J. R. Troncoso-Pastoriza, Comesaña, P., y Pérez-González, F., «Secure Direct and Iterative Protocols for Solving Systems of Linear Equations», in Signal Processing in the Encrypted Domain (SPEED) Workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2009, pp. 122–141.Icono PDF secure_sle_speedws09.pdf (193.97 KB)
J. R. Troncoso-Pastoriza y Pérez-González, F., «Fully Homomorphic Faces», in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, 2012.Icono PDF cryptofaces.pdf (213.56 KB)
J. R. Troncoso-Pastoriza y Pérez-González, F., «Efficient Protocols for Secure Adaptive Filtering», in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Prage, Czech Republic, 2011, pp. 5860-5863.Icono PDF secure_adaptive_filteringICASSP2011.pdf (115.55 KB)
J. R. Troncoso-Pastoriza y Pérez-González, F., «Efficient Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Watermark Detector Robust to Sensitivity Attacks», in Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents, San Jose, California, USA, 2007.