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Journal Article
E. R. Yeh, Choi, J., González-Prelcic, N., Bhat, C., y Heath, Jr., R. W., «Security in automotive radar and vehicular networks», Microwave Journal, 2016.
L. Pérez-Freire, Pérez-González, F., Furon, T., y Comesaña, P., «Security of lattice-based data hiding against the Known Message Attack», IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 1, pp. 421-439, 2006.Icono PDF tifs06security.pdf (563.51 KB)
L. Pérez-Freire y Pérez-González, F., «Security of lattice-based data hiding against the Watermarked Only Attack», IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 3, pp. 593-610, 2008.
K. Hussain, López-Valcarce, R., Rey, F., Sala, J., y Villares, J., «Sidelobe Suppression for Multicarrier Signals via Structured Spectral Precoding», IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 72, n.º 6, pp. 3155-3168, 2024.Icono PDF TCOMM3357429.pdf (821.23 KB)
F. Gomez-Cuba, «The SIMO Block Rayleigh Fading Channel Capacity Scaling With Number of Antennas, Bandwidth, and Coherence Length», IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory, vol. 3, pp. 54–68, 2022.Icono PDF FINAL_VERSION.pdf (528.1 KB)
R. López-Valcarce y Mosquera, C., «Sixth-Order Statistics-Based Non-Data-Aided SNR Estimation», IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 11, pp. 351-353, 2007.Icono PDF lopezvalcarce_CL2006-1948.pdf (195.93 KB)
B. Tondi, Comesaña, P., Pérez-González, F., y Barni, M., «Smart Detection of Line-Search Oracle Attacks», IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 12, n.º 3, pp. 588-603, 2017.Icono PDF TIFS_smartOracle.pdf (3.73 MB)
F. Gomez-Cuba, Asorey-Cacheda, R., y González-Castaño, F. Javier, «Smart Grid Last-Mile Communications Model and Its Application to the Study of Leased Broadband Wired-Access», IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 4, pp. 5–12, 2013.Icono PDF Smart_Grid_Last-Mile_Communications_Model_and_its_Application_to_the_Study_of_Leased_Broadband_Wired-Access.pdf (298.72 KB)
M. Álvarez-Díaz, López-Valcarce, R., y Mosquera, C., «SNR Estimation for Multilevel Constellations Using Higher-Order Moments», IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 58, pp. 1515–1526, 2010.Icono PDF alvarez-diaz-tsp-10.pdf (295.93 KB)
R. López-Valcarce y Dasgupta, S., «Some properties of the matrix exponential», IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, vol. 48, pp. 213–215, 2001.
R. López-Valcarce y Pérez-González, F., «Some remarks on the lattice form of the Steiglitz-McBride iteration», IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 6, pp. 290–292, 1999.
S. Fernández-Menduiña, Pérez-González, F., y Masciopinto, M., «Source camera attribution via PRNU emphasis: Towards a generalized multiplicative model», Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 114, 2023.
C. Mosquera, Noels, N., Ramírez, T., Caus, M., y Pastore, A., «Space-Time Rate Splitting for the MISO BC with Magnitude CSIT», IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2021.Icono PDF TCOMM3074519-version-for-posting.pdf (2.8 MB)
G. Vázquez-Vilar y López-Valcarce, R., «Spectrum Sensing Exploiting Guard Bands and Weak Channels», IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 59, n.º 12, pp. 6045-6057, 2011.Icono PDF double_submitted.pdf (373.72 KB)
D. Romero y López-Valcarce, R., «Spectrum Sensing for Wireless Microphone Signals using Multiple Antennas», IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 63, n.º 9, pp. 4395-4407, 2014.Icono PDF bandlimited.pdf (416.02 KB)
L. Pérez-Freire y Pérez-González, F., «Spread spectrum watermarking security», IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 4, pp. 2-24, 2009.
R. López-Valcarce y Dasgupta, S., «On the stability of equation-error estimates of all-pole systems», IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 5, pp. 268–270, 1998.
J. R. Hernández y Pérez-González, F., «Statistical Analysis of Watermarking Schemes for Copyright Protection of Images», Proc. of the IEEE, vol. 87, pp. 1142–1166, 1999.
C. Pasquini, Boato, G., y Pérez-González, F., «Statistical detection of JPEG traces in digital images in uncompressed formats», IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 12, n.º Pending, 2017.Icono PDF TIFSbenford.pdf (5.94 MB)
C. Mosquera, López-Valcarce, R., y Jayaweera, S. K., «Stepsize Sequence Design for Distributed Average Consensus», IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 17, pp. 169-172, 2010.
C. Mosquera y Pérez-González, F., «On the strengthened robust SPR problem for discrete-time systems», Automatica, vol. 37, pp. 625-628, 2001.
R. López-Valcarce y Pérez-González, F., «Subband hyperstable adaptive IIR filters», IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, vol. 50, pp. 383–389, 2003.
S. Fernández-Menduiña y Pérez-González, F., «Temporal Localization of Non-Static Digital Videos Using the Electrical Network Frequency», IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 27, p. 5, 2020.
D. Ramírez, Romero, D., Vía, J., López-Valcarce, R., y Santamaría, I., «Testing equality of multiple power spectral density matrices», IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 66, n.º 23, pp. 6268-6280, 2018.Icono PDF TSP2875884.pdf (1.03 MB)
C. Mosquera, Scalise, S., Taricco, G., Garofalo, G., y Giunta, D., «Time-transfer performance in burst-mode communication systems», IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 19, pp. 2310-2319, 2001.