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W. B. Abbas, Gomez-Cuba, F., y Zorzi, M., «Millimeter Wave Receiver Comparison Under Energy vs Spectral Efficiency Trade-off», in European Wireless 2017; 23th European Wireless Conference, 2017, pp. 1–7.
A. Pedrouzo-Ulloa, Troncoso-Pastoriza, J. R., y Pérez-González, F., «Number Theoretic Transforms for Secure Signal Processing», IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 12, n.º 5, pp. 1125-1140, 2017.Icono PDF PTP17_TIFS.pdf (651.54 KB)
D. Vázquez-Padín, Pérez-González, F., y Comesaña, P., «A Random Matrix Approach to the Forensic Analysis of Upscaled Images», IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 12, n.º 9, pp. 2115-2130, 2017.Icono PDF TIFS17_resampling.pdf (1.04 MB)
D. Vázquez-Padín, Pérez-González, F., y Comesaña, P., «Random Matrix Theory for Modeling the Eigenvalue Distribution of Images under Upscaling», in International Tyrrhenian Workshop on Digital Communication 2017, Palermo, Italy, 2017, pp. 109-124.Icono PDF TIWDC17_dvazquez_fperez_pcomesan.pdf (394.61 KB)
A. Pagès-Zamora, Giannakis, G., López-Valcarce, R., y Gimenez-Febrer, P., «Robust clustering of data collected via crowdsourcing», in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, 2017, pp. 4014 - 4018.Icono PDF 20160908114915_548170_1427.pdf (385.63 KB)
J. R. Troncoso-Pastoriza, Pedrouzo-Ulloa, A., y Pérez-González, F., «Secure Genomic Susceptibility Testing based on Lattice Encryption», in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, USA, 2017.Icono PDF TPP17_ICASSP17.pdf (403.53 KB)
B. Tondi, Comesaña, P., Pérez-González, F., y Barni, M., «Smart Detection of Line-Search Oracle Attacks», IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 12, n.º 3, pp. 588-603, 2017.Icono PDF TIFS_smartOracle.pdf (3.73 MB)
C. Pasquini, Boato, G., y Pérez-González, F., «Statistical detection of JPEG traces in digital images in uncompressed formats», IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 12, n.º Pending, 2017.Icono PDF TIFSbenford.pdf (5.94 MB)
D. Vázquez-Padín, Pérez-González, F., y Comesaña, P., «Technical Report UV-TSC-DVP-19042017: Derivation of the Asymptotic Eigenvalue Distribution for Causal 2D-AR Models under Upscaling», University of Vigo, 2017.Icono PDF UV-TSC-DVP-19042017_techrepTIFS2017.pdf (441.94 KB)
K. Venugopal, Alkhateeb, A., Heath, Jr., R. W., y González-Prelcic, N., «Time-domain channel estimation for wideband millimeter wave systems with hybrid architecture», in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2017, pp. 6193-6197.
E. Antonio-Rodríguez, Werner, S., López-Valcarce, R., Riihonen, T., y Wichman, R., «Wideband full-duplex MIMO relays with blind adaptive self-interference cancellation», Signal Processing, vol. 130, pp. 74-85, 2017.Icono PDF SIGPRO_6170.pdf (1.41 MB)
P. Henarejos, Pérez-Neira, A., Mazzali, N., y Mosquera, C., «Advanced Signal Processing Techniques for Fixed and Mobile Satellite Communications», in 8th Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference 14th Signal Processing for Space Communications Workshop, 2016.Icono PDF 1570262450.pdf (477.63 KB)
C. Rusu, González-Prelcic, N., y Heath, Jr, R. W., «Array thinnig for antenna selection in millimeter wave MIMO systems», in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2016.
C. Mosquera y López-Valcarce, R., «Bandwidth Allocation in Partial Duplex Relaying», in The 17th IEEE International workshop on Signal Processing advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Edinburgh, UK, 2016.Icono PDF PID4249913.pdf (305.91 KB)
S. Vicini, Alberti, F., Notario, N., Crespo, A., Troncoso-Pastoriza, J. R., y Sanna, A., «Co-creating Security-and-Privacy-by-Design Systems», in International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), Salzburg, Germany, 2016, pp. 768-775.
D. Romero, Ariananda, D. D., Tian, Z., y Leus, G., «Compressive Covariance Sensing: Structure-Based Compressive Sensing Beyond Sparsity», IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 33, n.º 1, p. 78--93, 2016.Icono PDF romero_SPM.pdf (408.02 KB)
R. Kazemi, Pérez-González, F., Akhaee, M. Ali, y Behnia, F., «Data Hiding Robust to Mobile Communication Vocoders», IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 18, n.º 12, pp. 2345-2357, 2016.Icono PDF TMM2599149.pdf (3.04 MB)
R. López-Valcarce y Romero, D., «Design of data-injection adversarial attacks against spatial field detectors», in IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2016.Icono PDF AttackDesignWSNv2.pdf (304.21 KB)
S. Oya, Pérez-González, F., y Troncoso, C., «Design of pool mixes against profiling attacks in real conditions», IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 24, n.º 6, pp. 3662-3675, 2016.Icono PDF TNET2547391_author_version.pdf (1.96 MB)
C. Rusu y González-Prelcic, N., «Designing incoherent frames through convex techniques for optimized compressed sensing», IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 64, n.º 9, pp. 2334-2344, 2016.
D. Vázquez-Padín, «Detection of Image Resampling and Video Encoding Footprints for Forensic Applications», University of Vigo, Vigo, 2016.Icono PDF thesis_dvazquez_fperez.pdf (5.65 MB)
R. López-Valcarce, Romero, D., Sala, J., y Pagès-Zamora, A., «Distributed multivariate regression with unknown noise covariance in the presence of outliers: a minimum description length approach», in IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2016.Icono PDF distributedmultivariate_v2.pdf (295 KB)
M. Namazi, Troncoso-Pastoriza, J. R., y Pérez-González, F., «Dynamic Privacy-Preserving Genomic Susceptibility Testing», in ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security, 2016, pp. 45-50.Icono PDF IHMMSec2016-GenomicPrivSusceptibility.pdf (359.18 KB)
A. Ali, González-Prelcic, N., y Heath, Jr., R. W., «Estimating millimeter wave channels using out-of-band measurements», in Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA, 2016.
C. Rusu, González-Prelcic, N., y Heath, Jr., R. W., «Fast orthonormal sparsifying transforms based on Householder reflectors», IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 64, n.º 24, pp. 6589-6599, 2016.