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«Stepsize Sequence Design for Distributed Average Consensus», IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 17, pp. 169-172, 2010.
, «A study on the Application of Different Two-objective Evolutionary Algorithms to the Node Localization Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks», in IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), 2011. isda2011_1.pdf (212.19 KB)
, «Subband hyperstable adaptive IIR filters», IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, vol. 50, pp. 383–389, 2003.
, «Subspace-constrained SINR optimization in MIMO full-duplex relays under limited dynamic range», in IEEE 16th Int. Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Stockholm, Sweden, 2015. fullduplexSPAWC2015.pdf (259.41 KB)
, «Symbol-Rate Estimation for DVB-S2 Broadcasting», in International Workshop on Signal Processing for Space Communications (SPSC), 2006.
, «Testing equality of multiple power spectral density matrices», IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 66, n.º 23, pp. 6268-6280, 2018. TSP2875884.pdf (1.03 MB)
, «Toward a theory of multirate nonlinear systems», in IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Cannes, France, 2006.
, «Two-Level Frame Precoding with non-Cooperative Gateways», EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2020. Two_Level_Frame_Precoding_with_non_Cooperative_Gateways.pdf (2.14 MB)
, «Two-Level Precoding for High Throughput Satellites with non-Cooperative Gateways», in 22nd International Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA), 2018. finalversion_WSA.pdf (172.32 KB)
, «A two-objective evolutionary approach based on topological constraints for node localization in wireless sensor networks», Applied Soft Computing, vol. 12, n.º 7, pp. 1891-1901, 2011. asoc-d-10-00754r1.pdf (597.83 KB)
, «Wideband full-duplex MIMO relays with blind adaptive self-interference cancellation», Signal Processing, vol. 130, pp. 74-85, 2017. SIGPRO_6170.pdf (1.41 MB)
, «Wideband Spectral Estimation from Compressed Measurements Exploiting Spectral a priori Information in Cognitive Radio Systems», in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Dallas, U.S.A., 2010.
, «Wideband Spectrum Sensing From Compressed Measurements Using Spectral Prior Information», IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 61, pp. 6232-6246, 2013.
, «Wideband Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio: Joint Estimation of Noise Variance and Multiple Signal Levels», in IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Perugia, Italy, 2009.