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«Blind equalization of linear and nonlinear digital communication channels from second-order statistics», University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA, 2000.
thesis.pdf (841.01 KB)
«Adaptive algorithms for identification and equalization using recursive filters», University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain, 2001.
iir.pdf (3.43 MB)
«Wideband Spectrum Sensing From Compressed Measurements Using Spectral Prior Information», IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 61, pp. 6232-6246, 2013.
, «Wideband full-duplex MIMO relays with blind adaptive self-interference cancellation», Signal Processing, vol. 130, pp. 74-85, 2017.
SIGPRO_6170.pdf (1.41 MB)
«A two-objective evolutionary approach based on topological constraints for node localization in wireless sensor networks», Applied Soft Computing, vol. 12, n.º 7, pp. 1891-1901, 2011.
asoc-d-10-00754r1.pdf (597.83 KB)
«Two-Level Frame Precoding with non-Cooperative Gateways», EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2020.
Two_Level_Frame_Precoding_with_non_Cooperative_Gateways.pdf (2.14 MB)
«Testing equality of multiple power spectral density matrices», IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 66, n.º 23, pp. 6268-6280, 2018.
TSP2875884.pdf (1.03 MB)
«Subband hyperstable adaptive IIR filters», IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, vol. 50, pp. 383–389, 2003.
, «Stepsize Sequence Design for Distributed Average Consensus», IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 17, pp. 169-172, 2010.
, «On the stability of equation-error estimates of all-pole systems», IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 5, pp. 268–270, 1998.
, «Spectrum Sensing for Wireless Microphone Signals using Multiple Antennas», IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 63, n.º 9, pp. 4395-4407, 2014.
bandlimited.pdf (416.02 KB)
«Spectrum Sensing Exploiting Guard Bands and Weak Channels», IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 59, n.º 12, pp. 6045-6057, 2011.
double_submitted.pdf (373.72 KB)
«Some remarks on the lattice form of the Steiglitz-McBride iteration», IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 6, pp. 290–292, 1999.
, «Some properties of the matrix exponential», IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, vol. 48, pp. 213–215, 2001.
, «SNR Estimation for Multilevel Constellations Using Higher-Order Moments», IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 58, pp. 1515–1526, 2010.
alvarez-diaz-tsp-10.pdf (295.93 KB)
«Sixth-Order Statistics-Based Non-Data-Aided SNR Estimation», IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 11, pp. 351-353, 2007.
lopezvalcarce_CL2006-1948.pdf (195.93 KB)
«Sidelobe Suppression for Multicarrier Signals via Structured Spectral Precoding», IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 72, n.º 6, pp. 3155-3168, 2024.
TCOMM3357429.pdf (821.23 KB)
«Second-order blind algorithms for adaptive recursive linear equalizers: Analysis and lattice implementation», International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, vol. 20, pp. 265–289, 2006.
, «Second order statistical properties of nonlinearly distorted PSK signals», IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 7, pp. 323–325, 2003.
VALCARCE_CL2002-915.pdf (60.04 KB)
«The robust SPR problem: design algorithms and new applications», Signal Processing, vol. 76, pp. 269-283, 1999.
, «Realizable minimum mean-squared error channel shorteners», IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 53, pp. 4354–4362, 2005.
T_SP_02192_2004.pdf (149.65 KB)
«Realizable linear and decision feedback equalizers: properties and connections», IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 52, pp. 757–773, 2004.
, «Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation in Smart Metering Systems: An Overview», IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 30, n.º 2, pp. 75-86, 2013.
smartmeteringspm2013.pdf (547.21 KB)
«Partial-Duplex Amplify-and-Forward Relaying: Spectral Efficiency Analysis under Self-Interference», IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 18, n.º 4, pp. 2271-2285, 2019.
TWC2902390.pdf (668.18 KB)
«Parameter estimation in wireless sensor networks with faulty transducers: A distributed EM approach», Signal Processing, vol. 144, pp. 226-237, 2018.