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B. Cortiñas-Lorenzo and Pérez-González, F., Adam and the Ants: On the Influence of the Optimization Algorithm on the Detectability of DNN Watermarks, vol. 22, no. 12, p. 36, 2020.
C. Baum, Escudero, D., Pedrouzo-Ulloa, A., Scholl, P., and Troncoso-Pastoriza, J. R., Efficient Protocols for Oblivious Linear Function Evaluation from Ring-LWE, in International Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks (SCN), 2020.PDF icon BEPST20-SCN20.pdf (457.81 KB)
J. Borràs, Molina, F., López-Valcarce, R., and Sala, J., Energy-efficient analog beamforming with short packets in millimeter-wave MIMO systems, in 2020 54th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, California, 2020, Virtual event, 2020.PDF icon Asilomar2020.pdf (353.1 KB)
R. López-Valcarce and Martínez-Cotelo, M., Full-Duplex mmWave Communication with Hybrid Precoding and Combining, in European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Amsterdam (Netherlands), 2020.PDF icon FDmultistream.pdf (311.1 KB)
A. Tato, Andrenacci, S., Lagunas, E., Chatzinotas, S., and Mosquera, C., Link Adaptation and SINR errors in Practical Multicast Multibeam Satellite Systems with Linear Precoding, International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking, 2020.PDF icon IJSCN-2020-precoding-nullification.pdf (1.42 MB)
A. Pedrouzo-Ulloa, Troncoso-Pastoriza, J. R., Gama, N., Georgieva, M., and Pérez-González, F., Multiquadratic Rings and Walsh-Hadamard Transforms for Oblivious Linear Function Evaluation, in IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), 2020.PDF icon PTGGP20-WIFS20.pdf (645.17 KB)
A. Tato, Mosquera, C., Henarejos, P., and Neira, A. Pérez, Neural Network Aided Computation of Mutual Information for Adaptation of Spatial Modulation, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2020.PDF icon SpatialModulation2020.pdf (1.28 MB)
N. Noels, Moeneclaey, M., Ramírez, T., Mosquera, C., Caus, M., and Pastore, A., Non-coherent rate-splitting for multibeam satellite forward link: practical coding and decoding algorithms, in IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring), 25-28 May 2020, virtual event., 2020.PDF icon NCR_VTC2020.pdf (556.42 KB)
K. Hussain and López-Valcarce, R., Optimal window design for W-OFDM, in IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2020.PDF icon flexiblewindowing.pdf (298.86 KB)
T. Ramírez, de Rioja, D. Martínez, de Rioja, E. Martínez, Mosquera, C., and Encinar, J. A., On the Performance of Advanced Reflectarray Configurations for Multibeam Satellite Communications, in XXXV Simposio Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, URSI 2020, 2020.PDF icon On_the_Performance_of_Advanced_Reflectarray_Configurations_for_Multibeam_Satellite_Communications.pdf (384.84 KB)
F. Pérez-González and Fernández-Menduiña, S., PRNU-leaks: facts and remedies, in 2020 28th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Virtual Event Amsterdam, 2020.
T. Ramírez and Mosquera, C., Resource Management in the multibeam NOMA-based satellite downlink, in 45th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2020.PDF icon Resource_Management_in_the_multibeam_NOMA_based_satellite_downlink.pdf (200.8 KB)
R. López-Valcarce and Martínez-Cotelo, M., Robustness analysis of beamforming based designs for mmWave Full-Duplex Amplify-and-Forward relays, in 2020 14th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS), 2020.PDF icon robust_relay.pdf (830.24 KB)
T. Ramírez, Mosquera, C., Noels, N., Caus, M., Bas, J., Blanco, L., and Alagha, N., Study on the Application of NOMA Techniques for Heterogeneous Satellite Terminals, in 10th Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference (ASMS) and 16th Signal Processing for Space Communications Workshop (SPSC), 2020.PDF icon Study_on_the_Application_of_NOMA_Techniques_for_Heterogeneous_Satellite_Terminals.pdf (2.21 MB)
D. González, Synthesis of multiaxis stationary non-Gaussian shaped vibration, University of Vigo, Vigo, 2020.
S. Fernández-Menduiña and Pérez-González, F., Temporal Localization of Non-Static Digital Videos Using the Electrical Network Frequency, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 27, p. 5, 2020.
T. Ramírez, Mosquera, C., and López-Valcarce, R., Two-Level Frame Precoding with non-Cooperative Gateways, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2020.PDF icon Two_Level_Frame_Precoding_with_non_Cooperative_Gateways.pdf (2.14 MB)
D. Vázquez-Padín, Fontani, M., Shullani, D., Pérez-González, F., Piva, A., and Barni, M., Video Integrity Verification and GOP Size Estimation via Generalized Variation of Prediction Footprint, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 1815-1830, 2020.PDF icon TIFS19_GVPF.pdf (1.01 MB)
R. López-Valcarce and González-Prelcic, N., Analog beamforming for full-duplex millimeter wave communication, in 16th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Oulu, Finland, 2019.PDF icon fd_analog_bf_iswcs.pdf (759.74 KB)
R. López-Valcarce and González-Prelcic, N., Beamformer design for full-duplex amplify-and-forward millimeter wave relays, in 16th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Oulu, Finland, 2019.PDF icon fd_relay_analog_bf.pdf (350.64 KB)
F. Gomez-Cuba, Chowdhury, M., Manolakos, A., Erkip, E., and Goldsmith, A. J., Capacity scaling in a non-coherent wideband massive SIMO block fading channel, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 18, pp. 5691–5704, 2019.PDF icon FINAL_VERSION.pdf (2.5 MB)
A. Tato and Mosquera, C., Deep Learning Assisted Rate Adaptation in Spatial Modulation Links, in 16th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Oulu (Finland), 2019.PDF icon ISWCS_2019_UVigo_August_31_cr.pdf (375.26 KB)
M. Namazi, Eryonucu, C., Ayday, E., and Pérez-González, F., Dynamic Attribute-Based Privacy-Preserving Genomic Susceptibility Testing, in 34th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2019, Limassol, Cyprus, 2019.PDF icon SAC19Final.pdf (745.27 KB)