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V. Monzón Baeza, Mosquera, C., López-Valcarce, R., González-Ríos, J. L., Vasquez-Peralvo, J. A., Ramírez, T., Losada, P., Merlano, J. C., Chatzinotas, S., and Kisseleff, S., Overview of Use Cases in Single Channel Full Duplex Techniques for Satellite Communication, in 40th International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC), 2023.
A. Pedrouzo-Ulloa, Boudguiga, A., Chakraborty, O., Sirdey, R., Stan, O., and Zuber, M., Practical Multi-Key Homomorphic Encryption for More Flexible and Efficient Secure Federated Average Aggregation, in IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR), Venice, Italy, 2023, pp. 612-617.
S. Fernández-Menduiña, Pérez-González, F., and Masciopinto, M., Source camera attribution via PRNU emphasis: Towards a generalized multiplicative model, Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 114, 2023.
K. Hussain, Spectrum Shaping Techniques for Advanced Multicarrier Communication Systems, Universidade de Vigo, Vigo, 2023.PDF icon Thesis_final.pdf (5.56 MB)
E. Rodríguez-Lois and Pérez-González, F., Towards Traitor Tracing in Black-and-White-Box DNN Watermarking with Tardos-Based Codes, in 2023 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), 2023, pp. 1-6.PDF icon Towards_Traitor.pdf (1007.31 KB)
A. Montibeller and Pérez-González, F., An Adaptive Method for Camera Attribution Under Complex Radial Distortion Corrections, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 19, pp. 385-400, 2024.PDF icon An_Adaptive_Method_for_Camera_Attribution_Under_Complex_Radial_Distortion_Corrections.pdf (1.41 MB)
A. Paz-Pérez, Tato, A., J. Escudero-Garzás, J., and Gomez-Cuba, F., Flexible Reinforcement Learning Scheduler for 5G Networks, in 2024 IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning for Communication and Networking (ICMLCN), 2024, pp. 566-572.PDF icon a105-paz-perez_final.pdf (514.6 KB)
A. Guamo-Morocho and López-Valcarce, R., Full-duplex mmWave communication with partially-connected hybrid beamforming, in IEEE 25th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Lucca, Italy, 2024.PDF icon 2024193265.pdf (867.86 KB)
D. Martínez-de-Rioja, Martínez-de-Rioja, E., Rodríguez-Vaqueiro, Y., Pino, A., Mosquera, C., Encinar, J. A., and Toso, G., Multibeam Compact Dual Reflectarray Antenna for High-Throughput Satellites in Ka-Band, in 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 2024.
N. - H. Tien, Romero, D., and López-Valcarce, R., Radio Maps for Beam Alignment in mmWave Communications with Location Uncertainty, in IEEE 99th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2024-Spring. Workshop "Radio Map for 6G Communications", Singapore, 2024.
K. Hussain, López-Valcarce, R., Rey, F., Sala, J., and Villares, J., Sidelobe Suppression for Multicarrier Signals via Structured Spectral Precoding, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 72, no. 6, pp. 3155-3168, 2024.PDF icon TCOMM3357429.pdf (821.23 KB)