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A. Tato, Andrenacci, S., Chatzinotas, S., and Mosquera, C., Link Adaptation and Carriers Detection Errors in Multibeam Satellite Systems with Linear Precoding, in 9th Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference (ASMS) and 15th Signal Processing for Space Communications Workshop (SPSC), Berlin, Germany, 2018.PDF icon ASMS_2018_ACM_precoding_-_camera_ready.pdf (563.55 KB)
D. Ramírez, Romero, D., Vía, J., López-Valcarce, R., and Santamaría, I., Locally optimal invariant detector for testing equality of two power spectral densities, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Calgary, Canada, 2018.PDF icon ICASSPCalgary2018_PSD_vdef.pdf (264.58 KB)
T. Ramírez, Mosquera, C., Caus, M., Pastore, A., Navarro, M., and Noels, N., Message-Splitting for Interference Cancellation in Multibeam Satellite Systems, in 9th Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference (ASMS) and 15th Signal Processing for Space Communications Workshop (SPSC), Berlin, Germany, 2018.PDF icon message-splitting-interference.pdf (722.39 KB)
S. Silva Pereira, López-Valcarce, R., and Pagès-Zamora, A., Parameter estimation in wireless sensor networks with faulty transducers: A distributed EM approach, Signal Processing, vol. 144, pp. 226-237, 2018.
A. Tato, Mosquera, C., Henarejos, P., and Pérez-Neira, A., Practical Implementation of Link Adaptation with Dual Polarized Modulation (Best paper award), in 11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks, and Digital Signal Processing., 2018.PDF icon Paper_Budapest_2018_v3_camera_ready.pdf (318.85 KB)
M. Masciopinto and Pérez-González, F., Putting the PRNU Model in Reverse Gear: Findings with Synthetic Signals, in European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Rome, Italy, 2018.PDF icon Eusipco18_Masciopinto_PerezGonzalez.pdf (600.61 KB)
A. Tato, Software Defined Radio: A Brief Introduction, XoveTIC Congress. MDPI, A Coruña, Spain, 2018.PDF icon Artigo_SDR_XoveTIC.pdf (1.09 MB)
D. González and López-Valcarce, R., Spectral and statistical evaluation of the properties of the vibration measured at the base of an automotive seat for non-Gaussian random noise synthesis, in Int. Conf. on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA-USD 2018, Leuven, Belgium, 2018.PDF icon DGONZALEZ_181_ISMA_2018_print_V2.pdf (748.35 KB)
N. Noels, Moeneclaey, M., Ramírez, T., Mosquera, C., Caus, M., and Pastore, A., Symbol-Asynchronous Transmission In Multibeam Satellite User Down-Link: Rate Regions For Novel Superposition Coding Schemes, in 6th IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, 2018.PDF icon Symbol-Asynchronous_Transmission_In_Multibeam_Satellite_User_Down-Link_Rate_Regions_For_Novel_Superposition_Coding_Schemes.pdf (455.44 KB)
D. Ramírez, Romero, D., Vía, J., López-Valcarce, R., and Santamaría, I., Testing equality of multiple power spectral density matrices, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 66, no. 23, pp. 6268-6280, 2018.PDF icon TSP2875884.pdf (1.03 MB)
T. Ramírez, Mosquera, C., and López-Valcarce, R., Two-Level Precoding for High Throughput Satellites with non-Cooperative Gateways, in 22nd International Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA), 2018.PDF icon finalversion_WSA.pdf (172.32 KB)
S. Oya, Troncoso, C., and Pérez-González, F., Back to the Drawing Board: Revisiting the Design of Optimal Location Privacy-preserving Mechanisms, in ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2017.PDF icon CCSmain.pdf (1.82 MB)
Wb. Abbas, Gomez-Cuba, F., and Zorzi, M., Bit allocation for increased power efficiency in 5G receivers with variable-resolution ADCs, in 2017 Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA), 2017, pp. 1–7.
F. J. Alvarez, Aguilera, T., and López-Valcarce, R., CDMA-based Acoustic Local Positioning System for Portable Devices with Multipath Cancellation, Digital Signal Processing, vol. 62, pp. 38-51, 2017.PDF icon dsp16_R3.pdf (7.32 MB)
R. López-Valcarce and Romero, D., Defending Surveillance Sensor Networks Against Data-Injection Attacks via Trusted Nodes, in European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Kos Island, Greece, 2017.PDF icon DefendingKos_v2.pdf (318.01 KB)
L. Bondi, Pérez-González, F., Bestagini, P., and Tubaro, S., Design of projection matrices for PRNU compression, in 2017 IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), 2017, pp. 1-6.PDF icon 2017_prnu_projection.pdf (689.14 KB)
C. Mosquera, López-Valcarce, R., and Ramírez, T., Distributed Precoding Systems in Multi-Gateway Multibeam Satellites, in 35th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference, Trieste,Italy, 2017.PDF icon Distributed_Precoding_Systems_in_MUltiGateway_Multibeam_Satellites.pdf (980.61 KB)
A. Rico-Alvariño, López-Valcarce, R., Mosquera, C., and Heath, Jr., R. W., FER Estimation in a Memoryless BSC with Variable Frame Length and Unreliable ACK/NAK Feedback, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 3661 - 3673, 2017.PDF icon TWC2686845.pdf (2.79 MB)
S. Oya, Pérez-González, F., and Troncoso, C., Filter design for delay-based anonymous communications, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2017.PDF icon ICASSPmain.pdf (382.42 KB)
S. Oya, Troncoso, C., and Pérez-González, F., Is Geo-Indistinguishability what you are looking for?, in Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES), 2017.PDF icon 1709.06318.pdf (822.66 KB)
D. Romero, Kim, S. - J., Giannakis, G., and López-Valcarce, R., Learning Power Spectrum Maps from Quantized Power Measurements, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 65, no. 10, pp. 2547-2560, 2017.PDF icon TSP2666775.pdf (1.11 MB)
A. Tato, Henarejos, P., Mosquera, C., and Pérez-Neira, A., Link Adaptation Algorithms for Dual Polarization Mobile Satellite Systems, 9th EAI International Conference on Wireless and Satellite Systems, WISATS, vol. Wireless and Satellite Systems. Springer International Publishing, Oxford, pp. 52-61, 2017.PDF icon WiSATs2017_vf.pdf (310.76 KB)
W. B. Abbas, Gomez-Cuba, F., and Zorzi, M., Millimeter Wave Receiver Comparison Under Energy vs Spectral Efficiency Trade-off, in European Wireless 2017; 23th European Wireless Conference, 2017, pp. 1–7.
A. Pedrouzo-Ulloa, Troncoso-Pastoriza, J. R., and Pérez-González, F., Number Theoretic Transforms for Secure Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 1125-1140, 2017.PDF icon PTP17_TIFS.pdf (651.54 KB)
D. Vázquez-Padín, Pérez-González, F., and Comesaña, P., A Random Matrix Approach to the Forensic Analysis of Upscaled Images, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 2115-2130, 2017.PDF icon TIFS17_resampling.pdf (1.04 MB)