Year of Publication: 1997

N. González-Prelcic, Pena, A. S., and Serantes, C., A Flexible Tiling of the Time Axis for Adaptive Wavelet Packet Audio Decompositions, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Munich, Germany, 1997.
R. López-Valcarce and Dasgupta, S., Stable estimates in equation error identification, in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), San Diego, CA, USA, 1997, vol. 2, pp. 1678–1679.
J. R. Hernández, Pérez-González, F., and Rodríguez, J. M., Data Hiding for Copyright Protection of Still Images, in Emerging Techniques for Communication Terminals, Tolouse, France, 1997, pp. 285–289.
A. S. Pena, González-Prelcic, N., and Serantes, C., New Improvements in ARCO, in Audio Engineering Society Convention (AES Convention), Munich, Germany, 1997.
C. Serantes, Pena, A. S., and González-Prelcic, N., A Fast Noise-Scaling Algorithm for Uniform Quantization in Audio Coding Schemes, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Munich, Germany, 1997.

Year of Publication: 1996

N. González-Prelcic and Pena, A. S., An Adaptive Tree Search Algorithm with Application to Multiresolution-based Perceptive Audio Coding, in IEEE-SP International Symposium on Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis, Paris, France, 1996, pp. 117–120.