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Filtros: Autor es D. Docampo [Elimina todos los filtros]
«Application of singularity detection with wavelets for pitch estimation of speech signals», in European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Edimburgh, UK, 1994.
, «A Multipulse-like Wavelet-based Speech Coder», in UK Symposium on Applications of Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Methods (TFTS), Warwick, UK, 1995.
, «A multipulse-like wavelet-based speech coder», Applied Signal Processing, vol. 3, pp. 78-87, 1996.
, «Analysis and Synthesis Tools for Robust SPRness», in Intelligent methods in signal processing and communications, Birkhauser, 1997, pp. 147-171.
, «ArboX, a Contribution to Digital Library», in International Conference on Engineering and Computer Education (ICECE), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1999.
, «ArboX, a Contribution to Digital Library», Computer Applications in Engineering Education, vol. 8, pp. 216–220, 2000.