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Filtros: Autor es Pedro Comesaña  [Elimina todos los filtros]
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P. Comesaña y Pérez-González, F., «On a watermarking scheme in the logarithmic domain and its perceptual advantages», in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), San Antonio, TX, USA, 2007, pp. 1261-1264.Icono PDF icip07logwat.pdf (77.03 KB)
L. Pérez-Freire, Comesaña, P., Troncoso-Pastoriza, J. R., y Pérez-González, F., «Watermarking security: a survey», Transactions on Data Hiding and Multimedia Security I, vol. 4300, pp. 41-72, 2006.Icono PDF survey06security.pdf (268.87 KB)
P. Comesaña y Pérez-González, F., «Weber's law-based side-informed data hiding», in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Prague, Czech Republic, 2011, pp. 1840-1843.Icono PDF comesanaicassp11.pdf (119.42 KB)
P. Comesaña, Pérez-González, F., y Abdallah, C. T., «Witsenhausen's counterexample and its links with multimedia security problems», in International Workshop on Digital Watermarking (IWDW), Atlantic City, USA, 2011.Icono PDF iwdw11_witsenhausen.pdf (152.97 KB)