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Filtros: Autor es Pedro Comesaña  [Elimina todos los filtros]
Journal Article
P. Comesaña, Pérez-Freire, L., y Pérez-González, F., «Blind Newton Sensitivity Attack», IEE Proceedings on Information Security, vol. 153, pp. 115-125, 2006.Archivo iee-06bnsa.ps (1.67 MB)
P. Comesaña y Pérez-González, F., «Breaking the BOWS Watermarking System: Key Guessing and Sensitivity Attacks», EURASIP Journal on Information Security, vol. 2007, 2007.Icono PDF jis07bows.pdf (436.69 KB)Archivo Source code available here. (8.51 MB)
P. Comesaña, Pérez-González, F., y Balado, F., «On distortion-compensated Dither Modulation data-hiding with repetition coding», IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 54, pp. 585-600, 2006.Icono PDF dcdm_uvigo05.pdf (311.95 KB)
V. Conotter, Comesaña, P., y Pérez-González, F., «Forensic detection of processing operator chains: recovering the history of filtered JPEG images», IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2015.Icono PDF tifs.pdf (2.46 MB)
P. Comesaña y Pérez-González, F., «The impact of the cropping attack on scalar STDM data hiding», IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 13, pp. 353-356, 2006.Archivo ieee-spl06_cropping.ps (243.75 KB)
G. Domínguez-Conde, Comesaña, P., y Pérez-González, F., «Performance Analysis of Fridrich-Goljan Self-Embedding Authentication Method», IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 4, pp. 570-577, 2009.Icono PDF tifs09performanceanalysis.pdf (232.67 KB)
D. Vázquez-Padín, Pérez-González, F., y Comesaña, P., «A Random Matrix Approach to the Forensic Analysis of Upscaled Images», IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 12, n.º 9, pp. 2115-2130, 2017.Icono PDF TIFS17_resampling.pdf (1.04 MB)
L. Pérez-Freire, Pérez-González, F., Furon, T., y Comesaña, P., «Security of lattice-based data hiding against the Known Message Attack», IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 1, pp. 421-439, 2006.Icono PDF tifs06security.pdf (563.51 KB)
B. Tondi, Comesaña, P., Pérez-González, F., y Barni, M., «Smart Detection of Line-Search Oracle Attacks», IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 12, n.º 3, pp. 588-603, 2017.Icono PDF TIFS_smartOracle.pdf (3.73 MB)
L. Pérez-Freire, Comesaña, P., Troncoso-Pastoriza, J. R., y Pérez-González, F., «Watermarking security: a survey», Transactions on Data Hiding and Multimedia Security I, vol. 4300, pp. 41-72, 2006.Icono PDF survey06security.pdf (268.87 KB)