Public Funding
Project Name Funded by Principal Investigator Start Date End Date
PRISMED: Privacidad y Seguridad de Datos Médicos Procesados en Entornos Inseguros "INNPACTO" Subprogram of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

Fernando Pérez-González 2011 2013
Despliegue de redes de fibra óptica RFoG y PON para aplicaciones 3DTV y HDTV (TSI-020100-2010-167) "Avanza Competitividad I+D+I" Subprogram of the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Turism and Commerce

Carlos Mosquera Nartallo 2010 2012
COMONSENS Logo COMONSENS: Foundations and Methodologies for future communication and sensor networks CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 Program of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Roberto López Valcarce 2009 2013
REDESH: Estudo de recepción/reemisión de televisión dixital móbil mediante o estándar emerxente DVB-SH Xunta de Galicia Carlos Mosquera Nartallo 2007 2010
logo SPROACTIVE SPROACTIVE: Signal Processing Advanced Techniques for Cognitive Radio Spanish Ministry Roberto López Valcarce 2007 2010
FACTICA: Ferramentas activas para multimedia confiable Xunta de Galicia Fernando Pérez-González 2007 2010
E2ERM logo E2ERM: End 2 End Rights Management Spanish Ministry Fernando Pérez-González 2007 2008
CINNEO logo Plataforma digital de contenidos audiovisuales bajo estándares DCI (Digital Cinema Initiatives)CINNEO: Spanish Ministry Fernando Pérez-González 2007 2008
ECRYPT logo ECRYPT: European Network of Excellence on Cryptology European Commission's Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) Fernando Pérez-González 2004 2008
SEQURDOCS: Watermarking technologies and 2-D barcodes for printed document security Xunta de Galicia Fernando Pérez-González 2004 2007