Public Funding
Project Name Funded by Principal Investigator Start Date End Date
Application of algorithms based on natural processes to prediction, decision and communications Spanish Ministry Fernando Pérez-González 1996 1999
Robust Identification Algorithms and Adaptive Recursive Filters in Multipath Channels Xunta de Galicia Fernando Pérez-González 1995 1995
Study and proposal for the development of terrestrial digital TV in Galicia Xunta de Galicia Fernando Pérez-González 1991 1999
Private Funding
Project Name Funded by Principal Investigator Start Date End Date
SCAPE: Securing Cloud with Automated Privacy Enhancement

Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza

Fernando Pérez-González 2012 2017
Watermarking for surveillance systems Tredess 2010 Fernando Pérez-González 2006 2007
Service management and DVB-T modulator on FPGA architectures Televés S.A. Fernando Pérez-González 2006 2007
Research contract in telecommunications Televés Corporation (TELCOR) Fernando Pérez-González 2005 2007
R&D Contract in Telecommunications Televés S.A. Fernando Pérez-González 2004 2005
Transport Stream Filtering and PDA Interface Televés S.A. Fernando Pérez-González 2003 2003
MPEG-2 Video Delivery System for Buildings Televés S.A. Fernando Pérez-González 2002 2004