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R. López-Valcarce, Mosquera, C., and Pérez-González, F., Hyperstable adaptive IIR algorithms with polyphase structures: analysis and design, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 47, pp. 2043–2046, 1999.
C. Mosquera, Pérez-González, F., and López-Valcarce, R., Hyperstable polyphase adaptive IIR filters, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Phoenix, AZ, USA, 1999, vol. 4, pp. 1841–1844.
C. Mosquera, Gómez, J. A., Pérez-González, F., and Sobreira, M., IIR adaptive filters for active noise control, in International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1999.
C. Mosquera, Leyra, L., and Pérez-González, F., The robust SPR problem: design algorithms and new applications, Signal Processing, vol. 76, pp. 269-283, 1999.
F. Pérez-González, López-Valcarce, R., and Mosquera, C., Road vehicle speed estimation from a two-microphone array, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Orlando, FL, USA, 2002, vol. 2, pp. 1321–1324.
C. Mosquera, Scalise, S., and Taricco, G., Spectral characterization of feedback linear periodically time-varying systems, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2002.
C. Mosquera and Cacheda, M., Feedback Timing Synchronization for IF-Sampled Systems, in International Workshop on Signal Processing for Space Communications (SPSC), 2003.
D. Fondo, Cacheda, M., and Mosquera, C., Indoor Image Acquisition and Distribution System, in International Symposium on Power Line Communications and Its Applications (ISPLC), 2003.