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“Random Matrix Theory for Modeling the Eigenvalue Distribution of Images under Upscaling”, in International Tyrrhenian Workshop on Digital Communication 2017, Palermo, Italy, 2017, pp. 109-124. TIWDC17_dvazquez_fperez_pcomesan.pdf (394.61 KB)
, “The return of the sensitivity attack”, in International Workshop on Digital Watermarking (IWDW), Siena, Italy, 2005, vol. 3710, pp. 260-274. iwdw05.pdf (190.47 KB)
, “The return of the sensitivity attack”, in International Workshop on Digital Watermarking (IWDW), Siena, Italy, 2005, vol. 3710, pp. 260-274. iwdw05.pdf (190.47 KB)
, “On reversibility of random binning techniques: multimedia perspectives”, in Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security (CMS), Salzburg, Austria, 2005. cms05.pdf (267.92 KB)
, “Satellite Communications: Research Trends and Open Issues”, in International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications (IWSSC), 2007.
, “Secret dither estimation in lattice-quantization data hiding: a set-membership approach”, in Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents, San Jose, California, USA, 2006, vol. 5306, pp. 592-601. spie06_sme.pdf (223.01 KB)
, “Secure Direct and Iterative Protocols for Solving Systems of Linear Equations”, in Signal Processing in the Encrypted Domain (SPEED) Workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2009, pp. 122–141. secure_sle_speedws09.pdf (193.97 KB)
, “A Secure Multidimensional Point Inclusion Protocol”, in ACM Workshop on Multimedia and Security (MMSEC), Dallas, Texas, USA, 2007, pp. 109–120.
, “Sensitivity of compressive sensing architectures based on time interleaved analog-to-digital converters to channel mismatches”, in IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), 2014.
, “Set-Membership Identification of Resampled Signals”, in IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), Guangzhou, China, 2013. wifs13_dvazquez_pcomesan_fperez.pdf (171.35 KB)
, “Study on the Application of NOMA Techniques for Heterogeneous Satellite Terminals”, in 10th Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference (ASMS) and 16th Signal Processing for Space Communications Workshop (SPSC), 2020. Study_on_the_Application_of_NOMA_Techniques_for_Heterogeneous_Satellite_Terminals.pdf (2.21 MB)
, “An SVD Approach to Forensic Image Resampling Detection”, in EUSIPCO, 2015, pp. 2112-2116. eusipco15_dvazquez_pcomesan_fperez.pdf (169.61 KB)
, “Symbol-Asynchronous Transmission In Multibeam Satellite User Down-Link: Rate Regions For Novel Superposition Coding Schemes”, in 6th IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, 2018. Symbol-Asynchronous_Transmission_In_Multibeam_Satellite_User_Down-Link_Rate_Regions_For_Novel_Superposition_Coding_Schemes.pdf (455.44 KB)
, “Taking advantage of source correlation in forensic analysis”, in IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Pula (Sardinia), Italy, 2013, pp. 159-164. mmsp13.pdf (167.27 KB)
, “Testing a Flexible Time-Frequency Mapping for High Frequencies in TARCO (Tonal Adaptive Resolution COdec)”, in Audio Engineering Society Convention (AES Convention), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1998.
, “Transportation-theoretic image counterforensics to first significant digit histogram forensics”, in IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Florence, Italy, 2014. cecilia_icassp2014.pdf (390.14 KB)
, “Trellis Shaping Techniques for Satellite Telecommunication Systems”, in International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications (IWSSC), Leganés, Spain, 2006.
, “Two different approaches for attacking BOWS”, in Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents, San Jose, California, USA, 2007. spie07bows.pdf (416.45 KB)
, “Videosurveillance and privacy: covering the two sides of the mirror with DRM”, in ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management (DRM), Chicago, IL, USA, 2009. drm18-troncoso.pdf (417.17 KB)
, “On a watermarking scheme in the logarithmic domain and its perceptual advantages”, in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), San Antonio, TX, USA, 2007, pp. 1261-1264. icip07logwat.pdf (77.03 KB)
, “Weber's law-based side-informed data hiding”, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Prague, Czech Republic, 2011, pp. 1840-1843. comesanaicassp11.pdf (119.42 KB)
, “Witsenhausen's counterexample and its links with multimedia security problems”, in International Workshop on Digital Watermarking (IWDW), Atlantic City, USA, 2011. iwdw11_witsenhausen.pdf (152.97 KB)
, “Adam and the Ants: On the Influence of the Optimization Algorithm on the Detectability of DNN Watermarks”, vol. 22, no. 12, p. 36, 2020.
, “Asymptotically Optimum Universal Watermark Embedding and Detection in the High-SNR Regime”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 56, pp. 2804-2815, 2010. tit-2010.pdf (240.81 KB)
, “Bit Loading Using Imperfect CSIT for Prediction-Based Resource Allocation in Mobile OFDMA”, Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 60, pp. 4082 -4088, 2011.