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“Weber's law-based side-informed data hiding”, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Prague, Czech Republic, 2011, pp. 1840-1843. comesanaicassp11.pdf (119.42 KB)
, “Witsenhausen's counterexample and its links with multimedia security problems”, in International Workshop on Digital Watermarking (IWDW), Atlantic City, USA, 2011. iwdw11_witsenhausen.pdf (152.97 KB)
, “Asymptotically Optimum Universal Watermark Embedding and Detection in the High-SNR Regime”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 56, pp. 2804-2815, 2010. tit-2010.pdf (240.81 KB)
, “Performance Analysis of Fridrich-Goljan Self-Embedding Authentication Method”, in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Cairo, Egypt, 2009. icip09domcomper.pdf (129.76 KB)
, “Performance Analysis of Fridrich-Goljan Self-Embedding Authentication Method”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 4, pp. 570-577, 2009. tifs09performanceanalysis.pdf (232.67 KB)
, “Secure Direct and Iterative Protocols for Solving Systems of Linear Equations”, in Signal Processing in the Encrypted Domain (SPEED) Workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2009, pp. 122–141. secure_sle_speedws09.pdf (193.97 KB)
, “Videosurveillance and privacy: covering the two sides of the mirror with DRM”, in ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management (DRM), Chicago, IL, USA, 2009. drm18-troncoso.pdf (417.17 KB)
, “Asymptotically optimum embedding strategy for one-bit watermarking under Gaussian attacks”, in Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents, San Jose, CA, USA, 2008, vol. 6819. spie08one-bit-wm.pdf (277.85 KB)
, “Breaking the BOWS Watermarking System: Key Guessing and Sensitivity Attacks”, EURASIP Journal on Information Security, vol. 2007, 2007. jis07bows.pdf (436.69 KB) Source code available here. (8.51 MB)
, “On the capacity of stegosystems”, in ACM Workshop on Multimedia and Security (MMSEC), Dallas, TX, USA, 2007, pp. 1261-1264. acm07stego.pdf (198.41 KB)
, “Dither modulation in the logarithmic domain”, in International Workshop on Digital Watermarking (IWDW), Guangzhou, China, 2007, pp. 1261-1264. iwdw07.pdf (183.38 KB)
, “Modeling Gabor coefficients via Generalized Gaussian Distributions for face recognition”, in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), San Antonio, TX, USA, 2007, pp. 1261-1264. gonzalezjimenez_camera_ready.pdf (339.33 KB)
, “A Novel Interpretation of Content Authentication”, in Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents, San Jose, California, USA, 2007. spie07authentication.pdf (179.34 KB)
, “Putting Reproducible Signal Processing into Practice: A Case Study in Watermarking”, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Honolulu, HW, USA, 2007, vol. 4, pp. 1261-1264. icassp07reproducible.pdf (67.03 KB)
, “Two different approaches for attacking BOWS”, in Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents, San Jose, California, USA, 2007. spie07bows.pdf (416.45 KB)
, “On a watermarking scheme in the logarithmic domain and its perceptual advantages”, in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), San Antonio, TX, USA, 2007, pp. 1261-1264. icip07logwat.pdf (77.03 KB)
, “Blind Newton Sensitivity Attack”, IEE Proceedings on Information Security, vol. 153, pp. 115-125, 2006. (1.67 MB)
, “The blind Newton senstivity attack”, in Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents, San Jose, California, USA, 2006, vol. 5306, pp. 592-601. (1.62 MB)
, “On distortion-compensated Dither Modulation data-hiding with repetition coding”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 54, pp. 585-600, 2006. dcdm_uvigo05.pdf (311.95 KB)
, “The impact of the cropping attack on scalar STDM data hiding”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 13, pp. 353-356, 2006. (243.75 KB)
, “Secret dither estimation in lattice-quantization data hiding: a set-membership approach”, in Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents, San Jose, California, USA, 2006, vol. 5306, pp. 592-601. spie06_sme.pdf (223.01 KB)
, “Security of lattice-based data hiding against the Known Message Attack”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 1, pp. 421-439, 2006. tifs06security.pdf (563.51 KB)
, “Side-informed data hiding: robustness and security analysis”, University of Vigo, Spain, 2006. thesis_pedro.pdf (2.18 MB)
, “Watermarking security: a survey”, Transactions on Data Hiding and Multimedia Security I, vol. 4300, pp. 41-72, 2006. survey06security.pdf (268.87 KB)
, “Applying Erez and Ten Brink's Dirty Paper Codes to Data-Hiding”, in Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents, San Jose, California, USA, 2005, vol. 5306, pp. 592-601. spie05_dpc.pdf (165.56 KB)