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- Director of Advanced Communications Area, Gradiant (Centro Tecnolóxico das Telecomunicacións de Galicia), 2008-2013
- Director of atlanTTic Research Center (University of Vigo), 2017-2020
Satellite Communications
Ph.D. Telecommunication Engineering, 1998, University of Vigo
M.S. Electrical Engineering, 1994, Stanford University
B.E. Telecommunication Engineering, 1992, University of Vigo
- Co-recipient of the best professional paper award at the 2012 AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference.
- Co-recipient of the best paper award at the 2014 7th Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference and 13th Signal Processing for Space Communications Workshop.
- Co-recipient of the best paper award at the 2018 11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks & Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP).
Channel Estimation with Hybrid Antenna Arrays
TOMÁS RAMÍREZ PARRACHO, currently with Gradiant (ES)
New Multibeam Processing Schemes for High Throughput Satellites, 2021
ANXO TATO ARIAS, currently with Gradiant (ES)
Link Adaptation Techniques for Future Terrestrial and Satellite Communications, 2019
JESÚS ARNAÚ YÁÑEZ, currently with OFCOM (UK)
On-ground Processing for Spectral Efficienty Improvement in Next Generation Satellite Communications, 2014
ALBERTO RICO ALVARIÑO, currently with QUALCOMM (San Diego, US)
Cognitive and Signal Processing Techniques for Improved Spectrum Exploitation in Wireless Communications, 2014
GONZALO VAZQUEZ VILAR, currently Associate Professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (ES)
Interference and Network Management in Cognitive Communication Systems, 2011 (co-supervised with Roberto López-Valcarce)
MARCOS ALVAREZ DIAZ, currently with the International Projects Office at Gradiant (ES)
Design of nonlinear precoding and estimation schemes for advanced communication systems, 2010 (co-supervised with Roberto López-Valcarce)
SANDRO SCALISE, currently Head of Satellite Networks Department, Institute of Communications and Navigation, DLR (DE)
Channel Modelling and Receiver Design Contributions for Emerging Satellite Communication Systems, 2007