Solapas principales
Nombre real:

Associate Professor (on leave)
Other Positions:
Director of AtlantTIC, Atlantic Research Center for Information and Communication Technologies
Coordinator of the Research Cluster "Technological Progress and Competitiveness", Campus do Mar
- Ph.D. Telecommunications Engineering, 1998. University of Vigo.
- M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineering, 1993. University of Vigo.
- Best Ph.D. Thesis Award (Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado), University of Vigo, 2013
Stays in other research centers:
- Visiting PhD Student, 1994, University of Manchester, UK. Sponsored by Erasmus Program.
- Visiting PhD Students, 1997, Rice University, Houston, TX. Sponsored by Fundación ProVigo.
- Visiting Professor, University of Ne Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. Sponsored by Spanish Ministry of Education.
Ph.D. Advisor of:
- M. Elena Domínguez Jiménez, 2001, "Design of signal extensions for wavelet processing" (Best PhD thesis UPM 2001). Currently at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Projects and events:
Links and Other Info: