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Conference Paper
F. Gomez-Cuba, Du, J., Médard, M., and Erkip, E., Bandwidth occupancy of non-coherent wideband fading channels, in IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2015.
M. Chowdhury, Manolakos, A., Gomez-Cuba, F., Erkip, E., and Goldsmith, A. J., Capacity scaling in noncoherent wideband massive SIMO systems, in IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), 2015.
F. Gomez-Cuba, Feijoo-Rodríguez, G., and González-Prelcic, N., Clock and Orientation-Robust Simultaneous Radio Localization and Mapping at Millimeter Wave Bands, in 2023 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2023, pp. 1-7.PDF icon mplocwcnc.pdf (684.15 KB)
F. Gomez-Cuba, Compressed Sensing Channel Estimation for OTFS Modulation in Non-Integer Delay-Doppler Domain, in 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2021, pp. 1–6.PDF icon ompotfs.pdf (365.98 KB)
A. Paz-Pérez, Tato, A., J. Escudero-Garzás, J., and Gomez-Cuba, F., Flexible Reinforcement Learning Scheduler for 5G Networks, in 2024 IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning for Communication and Networking (ICMLCN), 2024, pp. 566-572.PDF icon a105-paz-perez_final.pdf (514.6 KB)
F. Gomez-Cuba, Zugno, T., Kim, J., Polese, M., Bahk, S., and Zorzi, M., Full-stack Hybrid Beamforming in mmWave 5G Networks, in 2021 19th Mediterranean Communication and Computer Networking Conference (MedComNet), 2021, pp. 1–7.
F. Gomez-Cuba, González-Castaño, F. Javier, and Pérez-Garrido, C. P., Practical Smart Grid Traffic Management in Leased Internet Access Networks, in IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 2014.
F. Gomez-Cuba, Rangan, S., and Erkip, E., Scaling laws for infrastructure single and multihop wireless networks in wideband regimes, in IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Honolulu, 2014, pp. 76–80.