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«Capacity scaling in a non-coherent wideband massive SIMO block fading channel», IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 18, pp. 5691–5704, 2019.
«Frequency-selective hybrid precoding and combining for mmWave MIMO systems with per-antenna power constraints», in IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brighton, UK, 2019, pp. 4794-4798.
icassp2019_perantenna_v3.pdf (338.62 KB)
«Maximally stationary window design for overlap-add based random vibration synthesis», Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 122, pp. 642-657, 2019.
Article_MSSP_v5.pdf (1.59 MB)
«Multiquadratic Rings and Walsh-Hadamard Transforms for Oblivious Linear Function Evaluation», in IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), 2020.
PTGGP20-WIFS20.pdf (645.17 KB)
«Multiquadratic Rings and Walsh-Hadamard Transforms for Oblivious Linear Function Evaluation», in IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), 2020.
PTGGP20-WIFS20.pdf (645.17 KB)
«Synthesis of multiaxis stationary non-Gaussian shaped vibration», University of Vigo, Vigo, 2020.
, «Compressed Sensing Channel Estimation for OTFS Modulation in Non-Integer Delay-Doppler Domain», in 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2021, pp. 1–6.
ompotfs.pdf (365.98 KB)
«Full-stack Hybrid Beamforming in mmWave 5G Networks», in 2021 19th Mediterranean Communication and Computer Networking Conference (MedComNet), 2021, pp. 1–7.
, «A Hybrid Beamforming Design for Massive MIMO LEO Satellite Communications », Frontiers in Space Technologies, vol. 2, 2021.
, «Revisiting multivariate ring learning with errors and its applications on lattice-based cryptography», Mathematics, vol. 9, n.º 8, 2021.
PTGGP21.pdf (1.04 MB)
«Revisiting multivariate ring learning with errors and its applications on lattice-based cryptography», Mathematics, vol. 9, n.º 8, 2021.
PTGGP21.pdf (1.04 MB)
«A Dynamic Codebook Design for Analog Beamforming in MIMO LEO Satellite Communications», in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2022.
2111.08655.pdf (1.49 MB)
«Hybrid Beamforming Designs for Frequency-Selective mmWave MIMO Systems with Per-RF chain or Per-antenna Power Constraints», IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, vol. 21, n.º 8, pp. 5770-5784, 2022.
TWC_3142959.pdf (614.32 KB)
«The SIMO Block Rayleigh Fading Channel Capacity Scaling With Number of Antennas, Bandwidth, and Coherence Length», IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory, vol. 3, pp. 54–68, 2022.
FINAL_VERSION.pdf (528.1 KB)
«Clock and Orientation-Robust Simultaneous Radio Localization and Mapping at Millimeter Wave Bands», in 2023 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2023, pp. 1-7.
mplocwcnc.pdf (684.15 KB)
«Clock and Orientation-Robust Simultaneous Radio Localization and Mapping at Millimeter Wave Bands», in 2023 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2023, pp. 1-7.
mplocwcnc.pdf (684.15 KB)
«Frequency-selective hybrid beamforming for mmWave full-duplex», in IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodes, Greece, 2023.
2023036924.pdf (292.43 KB)
«Introducing the TRUMPET project: TRUstworthy Multi-site Privacy Enhancing Technologies», in IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR), Venice, Italy, 2023, pp. 604-611.
, «Link Adaptation for Rate Splitting Systems with Partial CSIT», IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2023.
JSAC3240787.pdf (2.72 MB)
«Overview of Use Cases in Single Channel Full Duplex Techniques for Satellite Communication», in 40th International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC), 2023.
, «Flexible Reinforcement Learning Scheduler for 5G Networks», in 2024 IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning for Communication and Networking (ICMLCN), 2024, pp. 566-572.
a105-paz-perez_final.pdf (514.6 KB)
«Full-duplex mmWave communication with partially-connected hybrid beamforming», in IEEE 25th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Lucca, Italy, 2024.
2024193265.pdf (867.86 KB)