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R. Méndez-Rial, González-Prelcic, N., and Heath, Jr., R. W., Adaptive hybrid precoding and combining in mmWave multiuser MIMO systems based on compressed covariance estimation, in IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), 2015.
C. Rusu, Méndez-Rial, R., González-Prelcic, N., and Heath, Jr, R. W., Adaptive one-bit compressive sensing with application to low-precision receivers at mmWave, in IEEE Global Telecommunications Conf. (GLOBECOM), , 2015.
N. González-Prelcic and Pena, A. S., An adaptive tiling of the time-frequency plane with application to multiresolution-based perceptive audio coding, Signal Processing, vol. 81/2, pp. 301-319, 2001.
N. González-Prelcic and Pena, A. S., An Adaptive Tree Search Algorithm with Application to Multiresolution-based Perceptive Audio Coding, in IEEE-SP International Symposium on Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis, Paris, France, 1996, pp. 117–120.
R. López-Valcarce and González-Prelcic, N., Analog beamforming for full-duplex millimeter wave communication, in 16th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Oulu, Finland, 2019.PDF icon fd_analog_bf_iswcs.pdf (759.74 KB)
M. E. Domínguez-Jiménez and González-Prelcic, N., Analysis and Design of Multirate Synchronous Sampling Schemes for Sparse Multiband Signals, in European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2012), 2012, pp. 1184-1188.PDF icon elenanuriaeusipco2012.pdf (408.64 KB)
N. González-Prelcic and Docampo, D., Application of singularity detection with wavelets for pitch estimation of speech signals, in European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Edimburgh, UK, 1994.
A. S. Pena, Serantes, C., and González-Prelcic, N., ARCO (Adaptive Resolution COdec): A Hybrid Approach to Perceptual Audio Coding, in Audio Engineering Society Convention (AES Convention), Copenhagen, Denmark, 1996.
C. Rusu, González-Prelcic, N., and Heath, Jr, R. W., Array thinnig for antenna selection in millimeter wave MIMO systems, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2016.
C. Rusu, González-Prelcic, N., and Heath, Jr., R. W., An attack on antenna subset modulation for millimeter-wave communication, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane, Australia, 2015, pp. 2914-2918.
R. Méndez-Rial, González-Prelcic, N., and Heath, Jr., R. W., Augmented covariance estimation with a cyclic approach in DOA, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane, Australia, 2015, pp. 2784-2788.
R. López-Valcarce and González-Prelcic, N., Beamformer design for full-duplex amplify-and-forward millimeter wave relays, in 16th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Oulu, Finland, 2019.PDF icon fd_relay_analog_bf.pdf (350.64 KB)
J. Mo, Schniter, P., González-Prelcic, N., and Heath, Jr., R. W., Channel estimation in millimeter wave MIMO systems with one-bit quantization, in Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2014.PDF icon asil14_1bit.pdf (916.97 KB)
N. González-Prelcic, Mosquera, C., Degara-Quintela, N., and Currais, A., A Channel Model for the Galician Low Voltage Main Network, in International Symposium on Power Line Communications and Its Applications (ISPLC), Malmo, Sweden, 2001.
N. González-Prelcic and Domíngez-Jiménez, M. E., Circular Sparse Rulers Based On Co-prime Sampling For Compressive Power Spectrum Estimation, in IEEE Global Communications Conference, Austin, TX, 2014.
M. E. Domínguez-Jiménez and González-Prelcic, N., A Class of Circular Sparse Rulers for Compressive Power Spectrum Estimation, in European Signal Processing Conf. (EUSIPCO), Marrakech (Morocco), 2013.PDF icon circular-ruler2.pdf (245.21 KB)
G. S. D. Farrow, Xydeas, C. S., Oakley, J. P., Khorabi, A., and González-Prelcic, N., A comparison of system architectures for intelligent document understanding, Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 9, pp. 1-19, 1996.
N. González-Prelcic, González-Sánchez, S., and Pena, A. S., Considerations on the Performance of Filter Design Methods for Wavelet Packet Audio Decompositions, in Audio Engineering Society Convention (AES Convention), Copenhagen, Denmark, 1996.
M. E. Domínguez-Jiménez and González-Prelcic, N., Design of non-expansionist and orthogonal extension methods for tree-structured filter banks, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Estambul, Turkey, 2000.
M. E. Domínguez-Jiménez, González-Prelcic, N., Vázquez-Vilar, G., and López-Valcarce, R., Design of universal multicoset sampling patterns for compressed sensing of multiband sparse signals, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Kyoto (Japan), 2012, pp. 3337 - 3340.PDF icon multicoset_design.pdf (271.47 KB)
C. Rusu and González-Prelcic, N., Designing incoherent frames through convex techniques for optimized compressed sensing, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 64, no. 9, pp. 2334-2344, 2016.
R. Méndez-Rial, Rusu, C., González-Prelcic, N., and Heath, Jr., R. W., Dictionary-free Hybrid Precoders and Combiners for mmWave MIMO Systems, in IEEE Int. Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Stockholm, Sweden, 2015.PDF icon spawc2015_v3.pdf (362.51 KB)
J. Palacios, González-Prelcic, N., and Mosquera, C., A Dynamic Codebook Design for Analog Beamforming in MIMO LEO Satellite Communications, in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2022.PDF icon 2111.08655.pdf (1.49 MB)
C. Serantes, Pena, A. S., and González-Prelcic, N., A Fast Noise-Scaling Algorithm for Uniform Quantization in Audio Coding Schemes, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Munich, Germany, 1997.